Source: utils.js

 * @file Utility functions. Conveniently, these functions are good candidates
 * for unit tests.

 * Randomly selects an item in the given list.
 * @template T
 * @param {ArrayLike<T>} options - List of options to choose from.
 * @returns {T} The randomly chosen option
export function pick(options) {
  return options[Math.floor(Math.random() * options.length)];

 * Calculates the modulus. JavaScript's `%` operator is the remainder operator,
 * which works differently for negative numbers. For example, `-10 % 360` in
 * JavaScript, but `-10 mod 360` is 350.
 * @param {number} a - Dividend
 * @param {number} b - Div-sor
 * @returns {number} The modulus of `a` and `b`
export function mod(a, b) {
  return ((a % b) + b) % b;

 * Stores the ID of the last `setTimeout` call by `wait`, so it can be cancelled
 * by `clearTimeout`.
 * @example
 * wait(1000);
 * clearTimeout(timeoutId);
 * @type {number}
export let timeoutId = 0;

 * A promise-ified version of `setTimeout`: returns a new `Promise` that
 * resolves after `delay` milliseconds.
 * If the timeout is cancelled, the `Promise` will never resolve.
 * @param {number} delay - The time to wait for in milliseconds.
 * @returns {Promise<void>} A new `Promise` that resolves in `delay`
 * milliseconds.
export function wait(delay) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    timeoutId = setTimeout(resolve, delay);